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BMW 326,328 / Bristol 400

In 2012, I posted this mildly interesting piece onto the BOC forum, from a UK blog which carried an article from a German contributor. It is a short synopsis of the evolution of the pre-war BMW 326 and 328 into the post-war Bristol 400. There are some nice photographs and a sensible appreciation of the cars. Perhaps some forum members might like to see the article. It was of particular interest to me at the time because, at around 2005, Norman Shirlaw and I had driven my 403 to the old BMW/EMW factory at Eisenach in the old East Germany described in the article. We found a vast complex which was almost completely deserted, with the huge buildings abandoned. All of the windows of the many buildings were smashed and the fabric was crumbling, save one small group of buildings which had been partially restored and where a modest motor museum dedicated to the BMW / EMW marques was in the process of being established by a small group of volunteers. The museum was not due to be opened until the following year so we must have been among the first tourists to visit. The volunteers were mostly ex-factory employees and in their twilight years. We even met a very old man who was an original co-designer of the BMW 1400cc engine that eventually evolved into the 2-litre ( or so he said ! ). There was a good collection of cars being readied for exhibition, including many of the over bodied and under powered models that were typical of the pre-war period. My 403 caused much excitement and, despite some language difficulties, we were made very welcome. A trip to remember!!/2012/09/bmw-327-and-bristol-400.html

Dave Dale.


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