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Bristols caught on video

Reply to this post pasting a link to a video found online containing Bristol Cars along with a short description.  Between us we can start a video library.

Men and Motors takes a look at the Bristol Blenheim 2 including a visit to the showroom.

Men and Motors meets

XCAR - The Bristol Fighter



To continue the theme here is a good one


This one is not about cars but a fascinating video about the Bristol Brabazon. For anyone who knows Bristol and Filton, pure nostalgia!

The Arnolt Bristol

How to enjoy your Bristol 400!

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Advert to for the now deceased Brabazon Motors including some words from Jeff Marsh.

Attached is a great 30 minute film just published which traces the history of the BMW326/7/8 into the post war Bristol 400. It features JHY261 Bristol #1

All the best


Michael Barton


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