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Thanks for this, Richard. I think that, in general, the use of club fora everywhere has declined since their busy times a few years ago. However, I still think that a club forum has an important function. A good proportion of my meagre technical and other Bristol knowledge has been gained by reading the BOC forum for the past 20 years and latterly the  BODA forum.

I am certain that, up until now, there must have been many BODA members who posted to one of the BODA fora whilst being unaware of the existence of the other. I say this because I have rarely seen postings duplicated on both fora. Now that your new forum shows immediately that there is an old forum whenever the Forum tab/link is selected, that problem is minimised. However, I wonder why we still need two separate fora?


Thanks for your observations and I agree completely with your first para.

As far as the fora are concerned, the BOC Yahoo one is used a lot but the BOC website one is effectively dead (not user-friendly). The Australian forum is also quite active but it is nearly always the same small group of people who contribute to them. My aim with the update to the BODA forum is to try and make it more attractive and easier to use. I think the old format was a bit offputting. Hopefully that will encourage more people to contribute and also upload some images.

So it is only one BODA forum but with an old format (now closed) and a new format (active). Maybe I should now put the old one into the Archive area instead of under the button.

Keep contributing!

Certainly a lot user friendly even I can post pics now lets hope we can get even more users on hear now ? just one thing is it possible to post a short film clip and if so how to do it ??Keith

Glad you like it. My intention was to make it user-friendly so that hopefully more people would use it.

It is certainly possible to post video-links such as YouTube by just pasting the link URL into the editor. I am not sure about uploading films from your computer files as these can be very big. You could of course put them first onto YouTube and then use the link as above.

Here as an example is an old film about Brian May.



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Quote from Richard on December 5, 2018, 9:29 am


Thanks for your observations and I agree completely with your first para.

As far as the fora are concerned, the BOC Yahoo one is used a lot but the BOC website one is effectively dead (not user-friendly). The Australian forum is also quite active but it is nearly always the same small group of people who contribute to them. My aim with the update to the BODA forum is to try and make it more attractive and easier to use. I think the old format was a bit offputting. Hopefully that will encourage more people to contribute and also upload some images.

So it is only one BODA forum but with an old format (now closed) and a new format (active). Maybe I should now put the old one into the Archive area instead of under the button.

Keep contributing!

Richard - I am confused. The second BODA forum to which I referred is called Bristol Buzz. It is still in operation and carries different postings to both the ' old forum ' and your ' new forum '. Please see the attachment for a screenshot of the first page of Bristol Buzz. My query was wondering whether all BODA members were aware of its existence. It seems to me that the BODA forums are in competition with each other. What do you think?

Dave Dale

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Thanks for your explanation, I now understand the problem. As I am, so to speak, the new kid on the block,  I am still finding my way around the site.

Under "Old forum" you should now only find "Bristol Buzz" which was the previous active forum. The other forum you are referring to was not active and I have removed it. I have also closed "Bristol Buzz" to new topics although you can still reply to existing topics.

Thus the only forum which is active and where all new topics should be posted is the "New forum" under the "Forum" button.

I hope that clarifies things but if you still have a problem with it please get back to me.


OK Richard - I think that you have got it just about right. I have always suspected that many members  were using either the old forum or the Buzz and were unaware that there were two different fora. Now that you have closed Buzz to new entries, it will undergo a slow death. We will then be left with only one forum - makes sense. Thanks for that.

Dave Dale

Agree with all you are trying to do could I sagest a extra  post listing I use a few other Forums and find a posting for New Builds and on-going  restorations to be  popular especially  now  its  much easer to post pics it could encourage  more use of the site to se what others are doing with there cars ,just a thought

would be willing to start the ball rolling with my build as I go Keith

Good idea! I have introduced "Restoration Stories" where you can post your experiences together with photos etc.

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Great job setting up the new forum Richard and in shutting down the old ones.  Looks good!

It would be brilliant if you could cast your eye over the content of the old forums and transfer any nuggets of wisdom over onto the technical archive when you have time.

I would like to issue a club email out to members inviting them to join the forum.  Given this is your cretion then mabe you would like to email me a few words?  One advantage I would like to emphasise is that any useful technical information will be summarised in our club archive so that it is easily available when needed.

I always liked the idea of keeping a running commentary of our own projects and will post something very soon on my own car which I am rewiring at the moment.



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