401/403 Wooden support frame for rear window

These are now available made to order from Dave Ralls who is based in West Wales. They are being made on a jig produced from an original frame purchased from Bristol cars many years ago.

The original frames were made oversize on their external and internal faces, more so on the latter where there can be significant variations in not only size but shape of the alloy trim finisher which sits inside this frame. There are also variations between cars in the shape and size of the actual external opening in the roof but not as much as there was on the alloy trim finishers, obviously being hand built it is necessary to hand finish the wood frame to the individual car. To make this task a bit easier the frames will be made with the last internal lamination separate from the rest of the frame to be used or not as the case may be. The price of the frames (12/2017) is £110 each plus post and packing, they will be made to order and if you are interested give Dave a ring on 07786 942106 or drop him an email to rallsdc@gmail.com .
Dave also does leather work  from repairs to partial re-trims.

(Adapted from a post in the Old Forum)

Windscreens and seals for 408/9/10/11

Mobile Windscreens Bristol who trade under the name of National Windscreens at Bristol can supply windscreens.  The manager there is Mike Ackerman (Mike.Ackerman@mobilewindscreens.co.uk), tel 0117-3042000. They have in stock heated and normal 411 screens.  He states that these fit 408/9/10/11.  He will supply and pack a screen for you but requires you to sort out the carrier.

The rubber seals are stocked by Bristol Cars Services who say that seals cover 408/9/10/11. Graeme Payne (mob 07787-138079) is the contact there and confirms that all are covered.

The other company who may have everything is American Cars Care Services Ltd, owner Martin Barnes (mob 07769-906525) barnsey411@live.co.uk . He has some 408 screens in stock and states that 408/9/10 all have the same screen but the 411 is different.

Door boot seals & draught excluder

Please find contact details of the Furflex/draught excluder supplier:-

William Marston Ltd
70 Fazeley Street
B5 5RD

Tel: 0044 121 643 0852 or 0044 121 643 0372

email: info@williammarstonltd.co.uk
website: http://www.williammarstonltd.co.uk

The boot seals can possibly be obtained from:-

Phoenix Supplies
Unit c1a Langlands Business Park
Devon EX15 3D4
Contacts: Nigel or Kaye Coles

Tel: 0044 1884 849294

email: phoenixsupplies@hotmail.com
website: http://www.phoenixclassictrim.com

or –

Woolies (I & C Woolstenholmes Ltd)
Whitley Way
Northfields Industrial Estate
Market Deeping

Tel: 01778 347347

email@ info@woolies-trim.co.uk
website: http://www.woolies-trim.co.uk

Both of these companies carry a large range of extruded sections and just may be able to help with boot and door sections.

Classic Car Keys

This company can supply any of the Bristol key patterns, either as a duplicate or to a code.  The code can be found on the barrel of the lock.  This does entail removing the barrel from the lock.

Wilco Direct

Unit D1/D2, Pinetrees Road, Pinetrees Business Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 9BB


Classic car key page at time of writing

Email address