Jensen Service Bulletins by Richard Calver

Geoff Kingston provide the following information

This morning the postman delivered another new book produced and edited by Richard Calver. It is an edited reproduction of the original factory service bulletins mainly for the home market and non-USA market V8 cars covering the period 1963 to 1976 , so CV8, Interceptor and FF with the 383 cu in engine and larger and the 727 automatic gearbox. So on the mechanical side especially relevant to anyone with a 411 but also to some of the other cars before and after with the 727 gearbox and to a certain extent the other engine sizes where similar components were used. There are obviously bulletins covering issues relating to coachwork problems, mechanical issues specific to the FF but an awful lot of information relevant to some of our cars, I can see hours being spent over the coming days picking and choosing topics within the books lavish covers.

An example, bulletin 6/71/6 Subject Failure of Gearbox Kickdown Band or Clutch, only a few short paragraphs but clear and easy to understand and giving the mechanic all the pointers needed to confirm and rectify the problem, on the following page 6/71/8 covers oil pump failure, 6/71/7 Standard Torque Tightening of Bolts. So not a book if you wanted to know the history of Jensen cars but essential if you want to know how they were maintained and repaired in period including recommendations of alternative and upgraded parts.

As these cars shared a lot in common with the Bristol V8’s of this period, for anyone doing their own work or who works very closely with their mechanic this book could be a very useful addition to the motoring library. Available directly from the Author,  just search the title of this topic, or from some alterative suppliers he recommends at a typical price of around £100/£120, not cheap perhaps but worth every penny in my mind for the information contained therein.


Cylinder Head Gaskets for 6 Cylinder Engines

Your first port of call for these is of course Pegasus Parts

Other suppliers are:

  • Johnson Gaskets – contact Robert (Bob ) Johnson – +44 (0)1274 682298

Engine Mounts for 407,408, 409, 410


The engine mounts for the 318 poly fitted to the 407-410 appear to be a rare and expensive parts kit.  This seems odd given the likely demand in the US.  The Brackets fitted were the Mopar “Floating Power” engine mounts for B body cars.  We were only able to find one US vendor selling new parts along with a number posts from US Plymouth owners grumbling about the price.  $484 plus carriage, taxes and duty!











For later 408’s, 409, 410 & 411

2 litre Air filters

New replacement air filters for the 2 litre cars can be the K&N part number E4530, (it’s a tight fit, but it does fit! – Adrian Berry)
K&N Filters are available from a number of suppliers.

Specifications: 5-7/8″OD, 3-1/8″ID, 3-3/8″H
K&N Small Engine and Light Industrial Replacement Air Filters – K&N manufactures many direct replacement elements
for small industrial engines, utility lawn and garden units, air compressors, generators, chain saws, etc.

2 Litre Cooling Systems

AC Thermostats

  • Replacement Spindles – available from bearing stockists. (Ransome, Hoffman, Pollard) RHP Part No. FPS15 or the equivalent from another manufacturer. SOURCE = C. Millward Tel: 0121 – 745 – 2087. Note: the spindle has been case hardened and you will need to use a Carbide Drill to drill the cross hole to allow the insertion of the cross pin. It might be beneficial to grind a small start flat with a dremmel or the like, to remove the case hardening (usually a maximum of .025″ deep) to assist the drill start.
  • Replacement Seals – reproduction seals are available from C. Millward Tel: 0121 – 745 – 2087.
  • Replace impellers – are available from C. Millward Tel: 0121 – 745 – 2087.
  • Replacement Thermostat Hosuing – castings may be available soon-  Contact C. Millward Tel: 0121 – 745 – 2087.
  • For those who feel unable to tackle this kind of work, contact C. Millward (BODA Member) OR E.P. Services (Water Pump Reconditioners), Tel: 01902 – 452914. Unit 1 Central Trading Estate, Cable Street, Wolverhampton WV2 2RJ.

The Ferodo Specification was 5/8″ TW – 7/16″ Thick – 32 degrees angle – 39 1/18″ IC – 41 7/8″OC

The Ferodo V155 was the original fan belt recommendation, but was not necessarily the only belt to fit. It seems to have been used on:- AC Ace, Acela and Greyhounds with Bristol engines from 1957 to 1964, and Bristol types 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405 and 406.

There may have been other makes of fan belts that also fitted reasonably well. For those searching for a belt, the V155 was also fitted to the following and the relevant clubs may be able to help with an alternative belt.

  • Aston Martin – DB3-S 1955
  • Austin – 14 Taxi 1946, Eight 8 h.p. 1939 – 1947, Big Seven 1937 – 1939, Commercial 6 cwt 8 h.p. K2VV s ton 1952 – 1954
  • Daimler – Ld10 10 h.p. 1939
  • Frazer Nash- 326 & 6 Cylinder 16 h.p., 2 Litre
  • Gardner- Engines LK
  • Jensen – Commercial – Jentug, 5 ton, 1947, Jentug Mark 1 1948 – 51
  • Morris – 6 from 5413 1950 – 1954
  • Skoda – 1101 1937 – 1948, 1102 1949 – 1951
  • Vauxhall – 6, 24.97 h.p. 1937 – 1940
  • Wolseley – Fifty-Four from engine 4447 1950 – 1953, Six-Eighty from engine 3554 1950 – 1955